Source code for epubcheck.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import namedtuple

_BaseChecker = namedtuple(
    'Checker', 'path filename checkerVersion checkDate elapsedTime nFatal '
               'nError nWarning nUsage')

[docs]class Checker(_BaseChecker): """Checker related information from epubcheck json data. :param str path: Relative path to checked epub :param str filename: Filename of checked epub :param str checkerVersion: Version string of epubcheck :param str checkDate: When the epub was checked :param int elapsedTime: processing time :param int nFatal: number of fatal errors :param int nError: number of errors :param int nWarning: number of warnings :param int nUsage: number of usage messages """ @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): return cls(**data['checker'])
_BaseMeta = namedtuple( 'Meta', 'publisher title creator date subject description rights identifier ' 'language nSpines checkSum renditionLayout renditionOrientation ' 'renditionSpread ePubVersion isScripted hasFixedFormat isBackwardCompatible ' 'hasAudio hasVideo charsCount embeddedFonts refFonts hasEncryption ' 'hasSignatures contributors ' )
[docs]class Meta(_BaseMeta): """EPUB metadata from `publication` key in epubcheck json data. :param str publisher: name of publisher :param str title: title of ebook :param list[str] creator: list of creators :param str date: date of ebook :param list[str] subject: list of ebook subjects :param str description: description of ebook :param str rights: :param str identifier: :param str language: language of ebook :param int nSpines: :param int checkSum: :param str renditionLayout: :param str renditionSpread: :param str ePubVersion: :param bool isScripted: :param bool hasFixedFormat: :param bool isBackwardCompatible: :param bool hasAudio: :param int charsCount: :param list[str] embeddedFonts: :param list[str] refFonts: :param bool hasEncryption: :param bool hasSignatures: :param list[str] contributors: """ @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): return cls(**data['publication']) def flatten(self): return tuple(';'.join(x) if isinstance(x, list) else x for x in self)
_BaseMessage = namedtuple('Message', 'id level location message suggestion')
[docs]class Message(_BaseMessage): """ A Validation message representing a single error condition. :param str id: Error type id (ex: "OPF-049") :param str level: Severity of messeage (ex: "ERROR") :param str location: Location of error (ex: <file>:<line>:<column>) :param str message: Description of the error condiction :param str suggestion: How to resolve error condition """ def __str__(self): return ' | '.join(self._asdict().values()) @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): """Create a list of Messages from deserialized epubcheck json output. :param dict data: Decoded epubcheck json data :return list[Message]: List of messages """ messages = [] filename = data['checker']['filename'] for m in data['messages']: for l in m['locations']: location = l['path'] if not location.startswith(filename): location = filename + '/' + location if l['line'] != -1: location += ':{}'.format(l['line']) if l['column'] != -1: location += ':{}'.format(l['column']) messages.append( cls(m['ID'], m['severity'], location, m['message'], m['suggestion']) ) return messages @property def short(self): """Short string representation of message""" return "{m.level} - {} - {m.location} - {m.message}".format(m=self)