Python wrappers for EpubCheck

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The original EpubCheck is the standard Java based validation tool for EPUB maintained by DAISY Consortium on behalf of the W3C, originally developed by the IDPF.

This package provides a Python libary and command line tool for convenient validation of EPUB files by wrapping the original EpubCheck 4.2.2.

  • Free software: BSD license


If you have Python on your system you can do the usual:

pip install epubcheck

You must have Python & Java installed on your system. The original Java EpubCheck command line client itself is bundled in the PyPi package.

This package is tested with Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 on Linux and Windows. It should also work with PyPy.


Command line usage examples

Validata all epub files in the current directory:

$ epubcheck

Validate a single EPUB file:

$ epubcheck /path/to/book.epub

Validate all files in /epubfolder and create a detailed Excel report:

$ epubcheck /path/epubfolder --xls report.xls

Show command line help:

$ epubcheck -h

Using epubcheck as a python library

>>> from epubcheck import EpubCheck
>>> result = EpubCheck('src/epubcheck/samples/invalid.epub')
>>> print(result.valid)
>>> print(result.messages)


To run the all tests run:


Note, to combine the coverage data from all the tox environments run:

set PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append
PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append tox


EpubCheck is a project coordinated by IDPF. Most of the EpubCheck functionality comes from the schema validation tool Jing and schemas that were developed by IDPF and DAISY. Initial EpubCheck development was largely done at Adobe Systems.